Eating With The Seasons

Earth Element

-The Earth Element, represented by the spleen-pancreas, regulates the “center”, that which is constant, from where it harmonizes the effects of the four seasons

– The Inner Classic

The Earth element in Chinese Medicine governs the spleen/pancreas and the stomach. The seasons associated with the Earth Element are late Summer to early Fall. The energy is particularly strong around the Fall Equinox, which is September 22nd this year. The Spleen and Stomach organ systems are responsible for digestion and the assimilation of nutrients from the foods turning it into Qi and Blood, or energy and nourishment. In particular, the creation of Wei Qi or immune system energy. It is important to eat foods the nourish and harmonize the Spleen and Stomach as to build a strong immune system in preparation for the Winter months and the cold and flu season. foods that nourish the Spleen and Stomach are mildly sweet in taste, yellow or golden in color, and round in shape.

Foods That Nourish The Spleen And Stomach

  • Millet Tofu
  • Corn Sweet Potatoes
  • Carrots Sweet Rice
  • Cabbage Rice
  • Garbanzo Beans Amaranth
  • Soy Beans Peas
  • Squash Chestnuts
  • Potatoes Apricots
  • String Beans Cantaloupe
  • Yams

In general, people with a Spleen/Stomach imbalance will be chronically tired, have physical and mental stagnation, and compulsive, “stuck” behavior that prevents them from creatively developing their personalities. They typically have weak digestion, may have nausea, a poor appetite, a dull sense of taste, abdominal bloating, and loose stools. Patients may have blood-sugar issues and struggle to loose or gain weight.