Who We Are
About Us
Jeff Rogers is board certified in acupuncture through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and is a licensed acupuncturist through the State of Michigan. He has owned and operated his private practice since 1999. Jeff received his degree in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine from The Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Jeff was a professional member of Resolve, the national association dedicated to educating those couples struggling with infertility. The association has since disbanded. Jeff was an Acupuncturist on staff at Beaumont Hospitals Integrative Medicine Department from 2010-2019, ran their Community Acupuncture Department from 2017-2019, and an Associate Professor at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine from 2015-2019.
Jeff has specialized in the treatment of infertility and chronic pain with Traditional Chinese Medicine for most of his career. He has been lucky enough to experience the joys of parenthood and want to help those couples that are struggling themselves to do so. Over the years he has received specialized training from world-renowned experts in this field. This combination of experience and training makes him one of the foremost experts in the treatment of infertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine in the metro Detroit area.

What People Are Saying About Jeff
My husband an I have been trying to conceive for 3 1/2 years. My husband had seen a report on ABC World News regarding fertility issues and how acupuncture can help and suggested trying. After seeing Jeff for Acupuncture and learning how to take my basal temperature our dreams have come true! We are pregnant!
My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for 3 years before we decided to try acupuncture. A combination of IVF, acupuncture, and rest helped us get pregnant. I know that acupuncture had something to do with this good news!
I have been a client of Jeff Rogers for 3 years now. I first sought out acupuncture because I was having arthritic pain in my knee. Acupuncture helped me significantly to manage the pain as well as enhance the healing after my total knee replacement. Even though my original incentive for acupuncture is gone, I still continue to be treated with acupuncture because of the overall feeling of well being and calm I feel when treated on a regular basis. I highly recommend Jeff Rogers. His is so knowledgeable and has many years of experience.
I am very excited to let you know that I am pregnant! Thanks so much for the wonderful care you gave me Jeff and congratulations on another successful treatment!
Going to see Jeff Rogers at Acupuncture Wellness is on of the best decisions I have ever made. Jeff was compassionate and understanding. I began seeing Jeff in March and I was pregnant in July!